Enrollment Eligibility
All enrollment forms must be completed for each child before they can be accepted into care at the center.
Children must be in good health and have current immunizations to be accepted into care.
In order to provide a positive learning experience for your child, you will be asked to complete a form on your child’s development and experiences.
Families are responsible for providing both a written two week notice of attendance changes along with a payment in full for two weeks of the tuition amount.
Check-In Policy
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to and from the center. Classroom sign-in/out clipboards are by the office. Please escort your child into the center for “check-in” and sign your child out each time you use the center.We assume responsibility for the child only after the child is signed-in and released directly to a staff member.
As a courtesy to the center, please call by 10:00 a.m. to let us know if your child will not be attending for the day.
Food Program
Week 1 Menu | Week 2 Menu | Week 3 Menu | Week 4 Menu
Breakfast is served from 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. daily.
All children are provided with a nutritious lunch at approximately 12:00 p.m. daily.
Two snacks are served daily. A morning snack is served at approximately 10:00 a.m., and and afternoon snack is served at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Menus will be posted on parent information boards in the center.
All foods meet the daily requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health Licensing Unit.
No food/candy from home should be brought into ALC.
Special arrangements will be made for any child with food allergies. Alternative foods will be provided by the parent. A doctor’s note is needed for any food brought in by the parents.
It is the parent’s responsibility to provide formula and baby food for their child while in care at the center.
Special treats must be prewrapped /store bought items and may be brought in for holiday parties and birthday celebrations.
Children’s Clothing
Please dress your child for play. Tennis shoes are recommended. A variety of activity centers are available for use in the center and loose, comfortable clothes will allow your child to play and learn in all areas.
Parents of children who are still in diapers will need to provide diapers and baby wipes for their child. If your child is being trained but still has occasional accidents, please bring a labeled change of clothing in case it is needed.
All children should have a change of clothes at the center, just in case.
Toys From Home
We do not allow toys to be brought from home, with the following exceptions:
- Your child needs a security toy to fall asleep at nap time.
- Your child has a special item they would like to share for show and tell.
- Our center is NOT responsible for loss or breakage of these items.
Medications can be administered by our staff only with written parental permission. Medication permits are in the center office and must be completed and signed by a parent.Prescription medicine must be in the original dated container, with the child’s name and the dosage to be given.
Over the counter medication, such as Tylenol can only be administered with parents permission.
Topical medications such as A&D Ointment, can be administered with written consent of the parent.
The teacher or director will be responsible for administering medication at our center and there will be a witness to the administration of all medications.
All unused medications will be returned to the parent when the child leaves the center for the day.
Parents must bring in their own over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, Triaminic, etc.)
A variety of methods are used to assist children in developing self-control. These may include redirection and clarification of requests. Time out may be used occasionally at the center. No corporal punishment is allowed. The most effective method that enables a child to exercise self-control is positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior.
If the parent objects to normal center procedures in regard to discipline, enrollment cannot be accepted or continued.
Second Step – a social skills curriculum that is taught to the preschoolers weekly.
A written report will document any inappropriate behavior at Adventure Learning Center, Ltd..
Child Care Licensing Rules
Children’s Dismissal
Identification to pick up a child from the center may be requested. This is for the protection of your child and you.
Only those people approved for release on the child’s enrollment form, will be allowed to pick up your child. Your written authorization is required any time anyone other than the parents will pick up the child. This includes grandparents. Please remember to leave this written permission with the center director if someone else is going to pick up your child.
Children’s Records
If your child is ill, he or she cannot be accepted into care at the center.
The center will follow state licensing policy regarding care of sick children.
Parents will be notified if a child has a temperature of up to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit under the arm (or more) and does not appear to feel well. Sick children must be picked up from the center immediately!
In cases of extreme emergency, the Director will act as the situation warrants. All attempts will be made to notify the parents, but if deemed necessary, the center will seek professional medical treatment for the sake of the child. The center is not financially responsible for medical treatment or accidents.
A written report will document your child’s illness or accident at the center.
Open Door Policy
Parents are always welcome in the center. Please feel free to drop by any time your child is being cared for at Adventure Learning Center, Ltd.
Security Doors – The center has locked security doors. Please ring the doorbell located outside the lobby. The door will be released to authorized individuals by an appointed staff member.
Parent Concerns and Questions
If you have concerns with the care your child received at the center, please discuss this with the teacher who cared for your child that day.
If the problems regarding your child’s care cannot be resolved between you and your child’s teacher, please bring the matter to the attention of the center director.
Parent Involvement
The center welcomes your comments and suggestions. Let us know what you like and what you don’t like. Your opinions and concerns help us shape the center.
If you see a need for programs in areas we have not yet considered, please let us know.
We encourage parents to participate in field trips and our extra curricular activities.
- Lead preschool teachers are degreed and/or experienced in a child related field.
- Teachers continue their education in the field with mandatory training hours.
- Teachers are trained in CPR and/or experienced in First Aid.
- We only hire nurturing and friendly teachers.
- We run annual police and reference checks.
- We provide a safe and positive work environment.
- Teachers receive an annual physical, TB tests and Hepatitis A vaccinations.