Calling all parents! Calling all parents! Could you use an evening of adult time? Are your kiddos looking for something fun to do on a Saturday night? Then look no further because it is time for Adventure Learning Center’s monthly Parent’s Night Out! This month’s night out will be on April 23 from 4 pm to 9 pm. We will have arts and crafts, games and dinner for our guests as well as a movie to cap off the evening.
April Parent’s Night Out Is Open To All
Parent’s Night Out is not only limited to our ALC families. We open up the fun to everyone in the community. It is a great way to introduce your friends and neighbors to our facility. Parent’s Night out is open to everyone, aged newborn to twelve years old. So grab some friends, schedule a night out and send the kiddos to Adventure Learning Center. You can sign up at ALC or call the office, 636-394-0600. We will see you there!